Friday 25 April 2014


Hello and Welcome

This blog is all about tips and advice about modelling and working with models. Everything here are my views and opinions and they might not work for all of you, but always worth looking as you might not know what you could learn.

I will start by telling you a bit about myself.

I am a full time professional model. I have only been modelling for one year and in this year my career has rocketed for me it has been a fantastic whirl wind.

I fell into modelling by fluke and never had dreams of becoming a model but I honestly love it. Modelling has given me so much including a new found confidence and pride in myself.

Although I haven't been modelling for very long compared to others I have done a hell of a lot in this short time and my modelling is going from strength to strength. Some of this is due to luck and the rest from a lot of hard work.

I now also do a lot of tuition working with photographers and model's which is amazing that people want my advice which has led me to writing these blogs. I have been asked by a few people to write down some advice and tips for models and photographers so I hope you find it useful :)

Here are a few of the images I have created. Photography by Adrian Dewey. who I do a lot of tuition with.

Thanks for reading and keep checking back for updates, information, advice and tips :D
Miss B x

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