Monday 26 May 2014

Model Personal Care

Model’s personal care


You need always make sure you take care of yourself. Especially in the run up to a shoot. You are your product. People are paying to shoot you, even if it is a TF shoot they are still giving their time for free and don’t forget the editing time afterwards. Not to mention all the other people that pay to see your images or look forward to seeing your new images. So take pride in yourself and your appearance.


Clean hair: Sounds obvious to most of us but I have actually heard of models turning up with dirty hair. Styled and ready to go unless you are having a hairstylist. If you are having a stylist they often don’t want your hair to be freshly washed but still not dirty but it is always best asking a stylist if they want you to do anything different with your hair. If you have coloured hair make sure you don’t have roots showing. Remember to condition thoroughly also, keep your hair trimmed and looked after. Your hair will take a lot of wear and tear from heat treatments, colouring and styling.


Private areas: If you are going au natural then make sure you are still trimmed and well kept. If you are shaved/waxed make sure this is kept regular as bristle is not attractive. It can be removed on Photoshop but prevention is always better. Remember to moisturise.


Fake tan: Now I know this is going to hit some of you hard but most companies designers and photographers do NOT like fake tan. It gets patchy easily, you can pretty much always shows on your fingers etc. It generally is not a natural colour. All of which gives the photographer more work which takes more time and effort. Fashion designers are also not keen on having fake tan rubbing off onto their test samples.


Nail polish: Make sure you either don’t have any nail polish on at all or even just a clear one. If you do have nail polish on make sure it is completely covering you nails, with no chips and all matching. Think carefully about the colour you choose though depending on what shoot you are doing.


Hung-over: Don’t stay up late the night before your shoot, remember your beauty sleep you don’t want to look tired in your images and you want to be full of energy for the shoot. Too much drink will also show being hung-over on a shoot is a no, no. I never go out drinking a night before a shoot.


Skincare: Your skin goes through a lot being a model, lots of shaving/waxing and wearing a lot of makeup. So take care of yourself so help prevent blemishes, wrinkles etc. Removing makeup thoroughly, moisturise, exfoliate, cleanse whatever suits your skin type best.
Miss B

Wednesday 14 May 2014

UK Tours

UK Tours


UK model tours means you travel to locations around the UK shooting. Sometimes this can be for a long weekend, week or even longer depending how many places you want to visit. Tours can be great earners if you do them right and you take all your outgoings into consideration. But they can also be good fun and great for networking. You will be able to work with photographers that you have wanted to work with or that have wanted to work with you. Giving you more exposure throughout the UK also and hopefully giving you some different images.

There is a lot to take in mind, below I have added a few things for you to think about and consider.


Plan: Firstly have you got anywhere in mind?

Do you know family or friends around the Country that you can stay with and kill two birds with one stone?

How will you get there?

Anyone interested: Once you have thought of some locations you would like to go. Put it out there ask who would be interested in working with you if you do travel to their neck of the woods. Ask the question on all the model sites and social networking sites. You can message photographers that have contacted you showing you an interest in shooting to see if they would be seriously interested.

Studio Days: Are also a great way to network. If you have a location in mind search for local studios and message them to see if they would be interested in hosting a model day. Send them a link to your port, mention any interest you already have and your rates. This way the studio will be able to advise if they think they can work with you at selling a day. They often have regular photographers which they can ask if they would be interested in working with you. Studio days are great as you and the studio will both normally advertise the day so you’re not looking at making bookings alone. You don’t have to worry about travelling to lots of different locations and getting lost. You get to work with lots of photographers. Safety is also something to consider.

Transport: How are you going to get to the locations?

If you are thinking of using public transport look at how easy the connections are and the costs involved.

If you are going to drive then remember to do the normal checks, oil, water, tyres, satnav, map etc.


Where to put your head down:

Friends/relatives: If you know of any relatives or friends that you can stay with than perfect not only do you have a free place to stay but it is also a great safety feature. They will know where you’re going, how long you will be there and what time to expect you back, they might also know the area well and would be able to advise on easy places to get to or good parking etc.

Hotel/B&B: There are lots of websites online that offer deals, or, to name a few. Do your research. Remember to check how far they are from the locations you will be working and account that into your days’ work. Do they offer food? Wifi? Hairdryer? Near any shops? Also as I can’t move without my tea in the morning I take a little tea bag with tea bags, sugar and a pint of milk so I can have a great start to the day, nothing worse than a horrible tea and the little milk cartons.

Photographers: You need to think very carefully about this. If you have worked with the photographer before and you feel safe and happy then it’s totally your choice. If you’re not sure you can always message models which have worked and stayed there to see how their experience was. Just be safe and if you feel uneasy or awkward then give it a miss.

Models: This can be  great option and worth thinking about if you know any models. You can also return the favour for them. Models will often know about the local studios and photographers, the good and the bad and will be able to advise.

Plan, Plan, Plan: Make sure when you are taking booking you get:

The full address.

Contact phone numbers mobile and studio number.

Contact email.

Also plan how far are you from the train/bus station if using public transport.

If driving, is their parking? How easy is it to find and get to?

How far is the location from the place your staying.

Make sure when you’re working out your trip you take into account all your outgoing and take them into account. When you do get money keep it safe, you can quickly have a lot of cash on you, lots of bags and a lot to think about.

When: Think about when you are going to do this? Weekends and evenings are usually the most popular. Holidays can often be best for models but not for bookings as photographers are often spending this time with family. If you are holding a studio day asking the studio what they think is always a good idea as they know their location and their local/ regular photographers.


Advertise: If you want bookings people have to know, so advertising your trip is a must. Post castings everywhere you can, there are plenty of great model sites that you can do this easily. But also don’t forget social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Include where your going, What you will be doing, a link to your port, how much etc.


Luggage: I always take a few bags with me, it makes things so much more simpler than trying to root to the bottom of a huge bag with clothes getting creased. Think about what levels you shoot so what you will need to take for shoots and if any photographers have asked for anything specific. Also remember items for getting ready so toiletries, straighteners etc. Items for when you’re not working so comfy clothes, pj’s.

Flat shoes, high heels etc. Laptop, chargers, makeup, shampoo, razor.

Pack in the way that suits you best, for e.g

1.     Personal bag with none modelling clothes, pj’s etc.

2.     Lingerie and accessories.

3.     Fashion outfits and shoes.

Taking care of yourself: Remember to stop and eat! You will need the energy and you don’t want to get ill because you haven’t eaten. Take food and snacks so that you’re not just living off services food which will be no good for long lasting energy. Work in time out of your day to rest eve if it is a relaxing bath at the end of the day to rejuvenate and plan ready for the next day.


Spending: Keep track of your spending. If your self-employed you can get tax back on many things including fuel so it’s worth keeping receipts and keeping track of everything.


Business cards: If you have not got any business cards, then get some. Hand them out to each of the photographers you work with and each of the studios you attend. Make sure it has a clear picture of you on it and contact information. That way if they would like to re-book, leave you a reference or recommend you to a friend it is easily done.


References: Remember each person you have worked with and each studio if need be write down at the end of each day about them and your experience in a diary so you can clearly remember when you get home. When you arrive home it’s a nice touch to message everyone and thank them and also leave a reference.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Safety tips for models

Safety tips for models


Firstly I would like to start by saying this is not a hate campaign against photographers but just some basic safety tips for models, most of which should be basic safety tips for anyone.

I believe 99% of photographers are genuine and have good intentions but as for the 1% you have to be careful.

Below are a few things you should consider, most I am sure you have already thought about but for starting out models it is worth thinking carefully about.


·        References if you get contacted by a photographer or you see a photographers work you like take a look at his/her references as many as you can, you can also contact privately a few of the models to ask them about their experience most models won’t mind this at all and will be very honest with you. If he doesn’t have any references this does not mean it is always something ‘dodgy’ ask if they are on any other sites which has available references. They should still be able to name models they have worked with which you can contact and you can also ask trusted models and photographers if they have heard of them.


·        You should always get contact details, name, contact number, email. If you are working at a studio the studios name, address, contact number.



·        Let someone you trust know where you will be going and how long you will be there. Text them when you arrive to say you got there safe, the photographer has met you and all is ok and text them when you are leaving also.


·        Chaperone's can sometimes be a touchy subject. Personally I have never taken one and I am of the feeling if you are having such big doubts that should tell you more, I am a believer in trusting your feelings. But I have also heard of models wanting to take a chaperon (each to their own, whatever makes you feel happy) and the photographer has refused. I understand the reasoning behind most photographers refusing but straight away this is going to make you feel un-easy so it might be easier to just give it a miss. An alternative can sometimes be to take a chaperon with you but while you are shooting they wait in another room so close at hand but not distracting. Either way you must discuss this with the photographer before the shoot.


·        Going to a photographers home studio?? This can be anything from a plush apartment with fab facilities to a dungy dirty bedsit with a sofa in the corner. Again references, ask for images, look on google street maps. If in doubt take a chaperon or say you would rather shoot in a studio.


·        Where are they from? If a photographer contacts you on a social networking site such a FB/Twitter I would always ask them for a link to their website if they have one and a model site if they are on one. That way you can see their work and also their references. If they don’t have any of the above I would be dubious.


·        Make sure you have your phone with you or close at hand at all times and that it has plenty of charge and credit.


·        If the photographer would like you to sign a model release form where possible ask them to send you a copy before the shoot date so you can read it through if this is not possible make sure to read the release form carefully especially if shooting nude. But remember if you are working with the agreement of TF they can use the images also and the photographer will hold the copy write.


·        Don’t drink alcohol during a shoot not even to “loosen up”.


·        If a photographer claims to be from a big company, agency or magazine etc you can easily find out if this is true by googling the company and phoning their direct/office number they will soon tell you if the person is legit.


·        As for the same with many things in life. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.


·        If you are under the age of 18 you should have a trusted adult with you during the shoot. The photographer should not be asking anyone under the age of 18 to shoot anything that can be considered sexual, or of a sexual nature.


·        Before the shoot you should both have discussed the levels and genres you will be shooting on the day and there should be no confusion. If the photographer tries to push your levels, makes you feel un-comfortable, un-safe, awkward or anything don’t be afraid to say NO! No matter how ‘well known’ they think/say they are. If a photographer does say or act inappropriately in any way towards you LEAVE! Do not carry on with the shoot.


·        You should not pay an agency to be on their books. If they think you have what they are looking for they believe they will be making money from you. Good agencies understand they have to put time and money into new models to get back what they put in. Agencies will also need a few basic shots not dozens. Asking models that you admire what agency they are with and who they would recommend would be good and also look at google where there are lots of pages of recommend and not recommend agencies.


·        Be safe in your surroundings. There may be time you will be asked to shoot in abandoned buildings, climb trees or walls. Maybe even lay in a lake of freezing water, pose with animals and many more things. Think about your safety, where your standing, the risks, the law, keeping warm. Remember if you are looking to model as a job if you get ill or hurt that could mean a week or more of not being able to work, losing money through one shoot.


These are just a few points that you should consider all may not work for you and others that are not here may. The main point is if you don’t feel safe then don’t do it. There are so many good and lovely, professional photographers out there, there is no need to work with the ones that are not. At the same time always remember to treat people as you would want to be treated acting professional at all times.

Monday 5 May 2014

Paying for a Photographer

Paying for a photographer


This may seem like a hard pill to swallow especially if you have been doing lots of TF shoots.  Paying for a photographer isn’t always necessary but it often is.

Modelling is your business and the same as with any business you have to put money in to get money. You pay for makeup, to get your hair done, new clothes/lingerie, shoes etc. For shoots so it only makes sense that you also put some money into creating and receiving some amazing images.

What genre of modelling do you do or want to do? Look at photographers that charge for photo shoots in that genre. Are their images a step up or a league above the images you have in your port? If the answer is yes you should consider paying for some images.

You have to remember you get what you pay for, if you want ok images work with ok photographers. If you want Amazing images you have to work with great photographers and this normally means paying.

If you pay and work with a great photographer it will in turn bring you more work, work of a higher level with better photographers.

You can then remove the images in your port which are not up to scratch and keep the new images which really show you off at your best.

Not only will you receive great images but a good photographer will often be able to also advise you on styling, your portfolio and posing plus more,  giving you invaluable advice which is often over looked.

You get to understand how a ‘real’ shoot works.

Basically if you want a Kick-arse portfolio you need to work with amazing photographers and his may mean paying.


Miss B x